Become a Member!

Members of SSN are put into groups of around 5-10 other members, which are facilitated by at least 2 leaders. In these groups, you can meet other students, talk about your week, or just bond over your favorite games! You can also hop around from group to group to find people that work best with your needs. These groups meet weekly, but there is no obligation to come every week.

Join a Spring 2022 group!

Become a Leader!

Leaders are the main facilitators of our groups. They are responsible for promoting discussion and setting the atmosphere of each group. Leaders also attend weekly informational meetings and a leader training at the beginning of each semester. Additionally, leaders can attend a weekly leader group, facilitated by the directors. We encourage anyone (regardless of prior membership) to apply!

Applications currently closed

Become a Director!

Our director team consists of 6 members, which are responsible for different aspects of SSN's operations. Executive, Leader Development, Marketing, Operations, and Programming. Although open to anyone, Directors typically have been both a member and a leader, and are selected at the end of each year. To learn more, check out the Get to Know Us page!

Applications currently closed

Sign up for our newsletter!

Our director team consists of 6 members, which are responsible for different aspects of SSN's operations. Executive, Leader Development, Marketing, Operations, and Programming. Although open to anyone, Directors typically have been both a member and a leader, and are selected at the end of each year. To learn more, check out the Get to Know Us page!

Sign up here