headshot of Justin St. Charles


Faculty Advisor (he/him/his; they/them/theirs)

"Clarity builds confidence." - DeAndre Carter, former MSU advisor and motivational speaker.

I am the Academic Advising Director for the Brody Neighborhood within the Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative (NSSC). I oversee the advising services of the Brody Neighborhood Engagement Center and work with partners across the University to support undergraduate students. The population I work with specifically is Michigan State University’s Exploratory Preference and exploring students. I serve as the Assistant Dean designee for administrative functions for our Exploratory Preference students which includes readmissions, reinstatements, medical withdrawals, grief absences, late drops, and more.

I believe that SSN is a benefit to students because there is a special bond that exists for those who are considered peers. Empathy is probably one of the most powerful tools to support one another and having shared identities (including being MSU students) helps others feel that they are not alone.

photo of Asia Rivett with a golden retriever


Executive Director (she/her/hers)

I am the Executive Director of SSN, which means I handle the functioning of the organization as a whole. I joined SSN as a freshman, then became a leader the following year, and now, a director. It has been an amazing opportunity to work with such incredible people throughout all positions and I feel extremely grateful to have such a primitive role in an organization that I call home. Aside from school and SSN, you can usually find me at the barn riding, or snuggling up with my multitude of pets!

photo of Emma Clemons holding a book


Director of Leader Development (she/her/hers)

Hi my name is Emma Clemons and I am the Director of Leader Development for SSN. I am going into my Senior year at MSU and I am majoring English and Psychology with minors in History and Women and Gender Studies. I plan on going on to grad school for my Master’s in Library and Information Sciences. I have been a part of SSN for three years and I have met some of my dearest friends here and I love being a part of something so incredibly wonderful.

photo of Grant Wiese


Director of Operations (he/him/his)

Hey! I'm the Director of Operations at SSN, that means I'm responsible for writing the weekly newsletters, maintaining this website, and making sure SSN runs smoothly. I joined this group when I was a freshman and was continuously drawn by the accepting atmosphere in my group and at the events. Throughout my time here, SSN has helped me find my place in the MSU community. In my freetime I like to drive my 90's car (Mazda Miata), make espresso drinks, and attempt to not burn food in my wok.

headshot of Faye Kollig


Director of Marketing (they/them/theirs)

My name is Faye Kollig, and I'm a junior majoring in Media and Information and Spanish. I am the director of marketing for SSN - I handle promotional materials and social media. I joined SSN as a freshman, and I was a member and a leader before becoming director. I've learned about kindness, compassion, leadership, and community from my fellow members, leaders, and directors, and I'm thrilled to be using my creative skills to help boost an organization I believe in. SSN has helped support me and keep me sane during some of the most challenging years of my life, and I want to help do that for other students. When I'm not working on school, SSN or research, I love to draw, thrift clothes, watch niche competitive reality shows on Hulu, and obsess over fancy coffee.

photo of Caitlin Hiller outside wearing sunglasses


Director of Programming (she/her/hers)

Spartan Support Network has been important to me since I was a freshman. I joined three years ago to try and make some new connections and ended up staying because of the amazing and accepting community that SSN creates. Because I started as a member and worked my way up to director of programming, I have a deep understanding of how this organization works and want to see it succeed in every way possible. This year I will organize events and try to come up with fun ideas to expand our organization across campus. I love to paint, play with my dog, listen to podcasts & do anything crafty!